:: Berita & Katalog ::
PARIS - Asia Gold Conference 2011
Jalan-Jalan ke Paris, semua orang juga pasti mau. Tapi tentu saja terkendala dengan besarnya biaya. Namun bersama Oriflame, Jalan-Jalan ke PARIS Gratis? Waaaah... I want it too.........
Berita PARIS - Asia Gold Conference 2011 ini bisa anda baca langsung disini.
Untuk Katalog Terbaru Oriflame (Maret) bisa anda dapatkan disini.
Selamat Berbelanjaaaa.....
Get Holiday to Paris, everyone wants to. But it's hard to do because the biggest budget to go there. But with Oriflame, get holiday to PARIS For Free? Woow.. I want it too......
News of PARIS - Asia Gold Conference 2011 can you see here.
For the newest Katalogue (March), you can see here.
Happy Shopping...............